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Can I sue my employer if I was hurt on the job?

By |2023-07-06T23:01:06+00:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Whether or not an injured oilfield worker can sue his employer for his injuries depends.  You would think that answer would be yes, however, in Texas that question is complicated by the Texas Worker’s Compensation system, including laws that protect employers from lawsuits. As a general rule, if your employer subscribes to Texas worker’s compensation [...]

Which company is responsible for my damages?

By |2019-01-25T19:45:39+00:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: |

If you’ve been injured in an oilfield accident, you will soon realize that there are a lot of different companies involved in drilling operations at a well site.  If you haven’t realized this already, you will soon find that these different entities are all pointing the finger at one another, each blaming someone else for [...]

How do I know whether I have an oilfield injury claim?

By |2019-01-25T17:31:14+00:00March 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Very few jobs in Texas are more dangerous than drilling for oil and gas.  Because it’s a dangerous job, it’s of utmost importance that oil and gas companies, and those who provide services for the industry follow strict safety standards to ensure the safety of oilfield workers. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen.  Many times companies [...]

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