December 2017
FAQ: Do I Have to Give A Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company?
Since I first became a San Antonio car accident lawyer, I’ve noticed that many insurance companies have become more adamant about demanding recorded statements from victims of auto accidents, even if these statements aren’t required [...]
Getting Compensation For Medical Bills After a Car Accident
After the initial shock and panic of a car accident has finally worn off, many auto accident victims in San Antonio find themselves burdened by financial difficulties arising from their injuries. From doctor's visits and [...]
Are There Special Doctors For Car Accident Injuries?
In my many years as a auto accident attorney in San Antonio, one of the questions I get most often is whether there's a special doctor who attends to car accident victims or other similar [...]
FAQ: I Gave a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company, Is My Claim Ruined?
First things first – Don't get into a panic. Although giving a recorded statement to the insurance company is never advised, and might raise some issues with your case in the future, you may be [...]
A Drunk Driver Hit Me and Was Charged with a DUI. Do I Need a Lawyer?
Drunk driving accidents are a huge problem here in San Antonio. And, although you might think a DUI conviction against the other that caused your car crash will improve your chances of a favorable personal [...]
The Insurance Company Is Making an Offer That Won’t Cover All of my Medical Bills. What Should I Do?
If you’ve done all you can to obtain a fair settlement with the other driver’s insurance company after a San Antonio car accident, and still get an offer that’s too low to cover the costs [...]