December 2017
FAQ: How Do I Know If I Need An Attorney After a Car Crash?
When you find yourself wondering if you need a lawyer for your injury claim, it’s probably time to get one. And if you’re ever in doubt, just ask. Our team of San Antonio car accident [...]
Negotiating Your Own Injury Settlement With the Insurance Company
One of the first parties to come and talk to you after you have been injured in a car accident is the insurance company, through a person called an “insurance adjuster,” whose job it is [...]
Dealing With Chronic Back Pain After a Car Accident
Adrenaline can make you claim, immediately after a serious car accident, that you’re fine and there’s no injury. However, when the rush dies down, you can start feeling the effects of the accident, particularly on [...]
Serious San Antonio Auto Accidents Require Serious Legal Representation
According to a 2014 report by the Texas Department of Transportation, an accident happens in Texas every 72 seconds. Furthermore, someone is hurt in a car accident every two minutes, and someone is killed every [...]
If a Car Accident in Texas is Caused by Bad Weather, Who Is Responsible?
Texas can occasionally see some pretty bad weather, which can make road conditions dangerous for motorists. Even light rain and fog can increase the risk of a road accident. Two frequently asked questions are: What [...]
What To Do If Your San Antonio Car Accident Claim is Denied
As a San Antonio personal injury attorney, I can tell you that it’s not unusual for insurance companies to be uncooperative during negotiations for personal injury claims. This is especially true for claimants going about [...]